Behind the Scenes of “Hell are Others” Animation
Welcome to a unique journey behind the scenes of the creation of the “Hell are Others” animation. This project consumed an entire year of work and an immense amount of dedication. Today, we’d like to share some more details about this fascinating process.
The main theme of the artistic work is to present the global problem of migration and refugees in the form of an original animated film.
The animated film contains many references to the bible, art, literature and comics. The main inspiration is the comic strip temple of refuge made by kurd sartep namiq and the iraqi immigrants in the german tempelhof hostel. I also used biblical motifs such as the trek to the promised land led by moses, sending the people to the levitical cities of refuge. The work also draws many themes from janusz glowacki’s drama antygona w nowym jorku, showing the main character’s powerlessness and desire for a better life in exile. The film is the result of the observation of the geopolitics of the countries of the world, which by their actions contribute to the emigration and flight of huge masses of people from their lands.
The entire production began with six months of gathering inspiration and materials. During this time, our creator delved into research and exploration of themes that eventually became an integral part of the animation. It was an exciting phase where ideas and concepts were born, which later found their reflection in the final animation.
Next came the practical part of the process. Our creator decided to craft the entire animation using Blender, which presented a significant challenge. Blender is a tool with an incredibly wide range of possibilities, but it also demands a vast amount of knowledge and skill. However, our creator took on this challenge and embarked on creating the animation almost from scratch.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this project is that the entire animation was created by a single individual. This is a remarkable achievement and a testament to the tremendous dedication and passion poured into this project. Animation creation is a complex process that usually requires many hands, but our creator took it upon themselves and achieved a fantastic success.
Our “Hell are Others” animation is not just the end result; it’s also a story filled with dedication, hard work, and passion. We hope that this brief peek behind the scenes has allowed you to better understand the process of creating this extraordinary animation. We encourage you to follow our blog, where we will share more insights on this topic and showcase the fruits of our labor. Stay tuned!